Title script objects expand a functional set of system for managing CG graphic overlays of servers basing Forward TA (Forward TT, Forward TP) product.
Each title script object is designed to automate a specific task of CG graphic overlays display. As a rule, it’s an output of CG graphic overlays in different combinations with complex interaction.
Script objects of TS1 library
Task: display СG graphic overlays with specific information at clip playback. For example, title of clip or name of artist. CG graphic overlays is output twice – at start and finish of clip.
Task: display subtitles for TV programs. Video clips with programs/movies are played according to schedule. Subtitles are uploaded from files of subtitles automatically.
Task: display a sequence of multiline advertisements with sound. Specific audio file is set for each advertisement. Sound accompaniment is not obligatory.
Task: fast scrolling of movie final titles. Scrolling starts at broadcast of the last frames of movie: there is an image in one part of the frame and titles – in the other one. Size of parts and speed of scrolling are configured.